Did you know that not all RSA training courses conducted in Victoria entitle you to serve alcohol in some other States and Territories of Australia?
We issue the National Statement of Attainment SITHFAB201 Provide responsible service of alcohol. This is recognised in Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Northern Territory and avoids the need to do another RSA for that State or Territory. Most of the discounted RSA courses held in Victoria only issue the Victorian RSA and won’t certify you for this qualification.
Before booking with a provider ask them if they provide the National Statement of Attainment SITHFAB201 Provide responsible service of alcohol as part of their fee. You can be assured that Best Restaurant Training will issue you with this qualification as well as the Victorian RSA certificate should you need it.
You get this extra and valuable qualification by attending one of our RSA courses as part of your course fee. We look forward to seeing you at our course and providing you with both certificates.