Talk to Brokers that Know Business.
All the Business Brokers in BBN have owned, managed and worked in a great variety of businesses.
To talk about a business, you have to understand the business, know where the money is made, understand the processes, sytems and be able to understand the risk factors.
Understanding a business from the Owners point of view and being able to relate information about the business to the Buyer from his point of view, being factual and not embellishing the actual results is what we seek to achieve.
To have Certified Practicing Business Brokers that are also Registered Business Valuers, you have the opportunity to get excellent advice on how to increase the value of your business as a Seller or as a Buyer. This advice is also impatial, we see the mistakes that are made on a regular basis. You are free to use our advice or temper it with advice from your other advisors. Generally our advice is free in general areas or you can engage a Business Broker short term to use us as a sounding board to work with you on more specific requirements.
The Business Brokers that are a member of Business Brokers Network Australia run and operate their own independent Business Brokerages. We come together on a common ground to facilitate progress and sales of our clients businesses, through individual contacts, and the sharing of information that will bring the business to a greater number of Buyers.
If you are a Buyer and are looking for a specific business and you have not found it on our website or others, we may be able to find the business that best suits you. Often we know of business that are not on the market, but we know that the Owner would sell if there is a qualified Buyer looking.
So contact Business Brokers Network Australia or any of the Business Brokers listed here.
Business Brokers Network Australia currently cover Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia